Tuesday, July 30, 2013

An Imaginary Report on an American Rock Festival

Képzelt riport egy amerikai popfesztiválról -  Déry Tibor

I heard about this book from my Dear... am..., he read it, and his comments about it, made me curious, and so I read it to. It's not my favorite book, but it does have sensitive moments (you know that kind of sensitive, when something strikes into you deep, because it's painfully true -  I had one or two moments like that while I was reading it). The really interesting thing about this book is actually the style in which the writer chose to tell the story - you have a movie feeling; it's like a camera rolling combined with a comic book bubble:
I'm trying to write something like that, Andy said.
But I have no writing skills, said Andy with a sad tone, taking her hands off of the keyboard.
Still,  I will try to adapt a Dery style, so that I can make my point, said Andy finishing the sentence.
OK. I think that's enough :) :P Back to the story, so: moths passed and the book was long forgotten, and one of these days I wanted to listen to a song ("Arra szulettunk") and the second youtube video that appeared had "Kepzelt riport" on it, with an interesting cover photo -> that was when I realised that this was a song from a musical.
Anyway here's the play if you what to watch it (this is not the original/first representation!): http://vimeo.com/38726639
The musical made after this novel was the first Hungarian musical (1973)
.... I have so much sketching up to do....

Friday, July 5, 2013


