Monday, December 9, 2013

I realized that I'm stopping and looking at children's books a lot when I go into a book store. It's interesting that I have more appetite for them now, than I had when I was little. I wonder why?... The main thing that I'm interested in is the illustrations. (The story is also important, well actually it's the most important, but you can not read a whole book in the store, and sometimes I don't have time to read anything in particular about the book; sometimes you remain with a picture in your mind, with the cover of a book, or just some illustrations that you "sketched up" when you opened a book and you paged through it.)
So here are some cute things that caught my eye:                                                                                                                                

This is a special edition of The Little Prince that appeared at RAO. You'll find the story, with the original illustrations, and if I remember it well, there is a part about the author, I hope is something about how the whole thing started or some "behind the scene" stuff. I'm really curious, so I think I will buy it.

Sometimes is interesting to see how the characters looked before Disney. Don't get me wrong, I like Disney, but I also like to see from where the whole thing started, from where did everything evolve, and here we can enjoy another book with the authentic drawings of the writer.
Winnie the Pooh from Arthur.

I saw Miss Potter (, but never got the opportunity to actually read a Peter Bunny tale. I hope one day I will get there, until then I'll just say that the illustrations are very cute.

Vellant has a lot of beautiful and well designed books.
Now this is a cute and funny one, that has collage type of illustrations which I enjoyed.

This one is interesting. Beside the beautiful illustrations done by young romanian illustrator, Madalina Andronic, we have stories and recipes also.

That's all for today ... I think.
Good night

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Finally I have a little time.... Don't get me wrong, I don't mind having a busy schedule, meeting with my friends, going to visit my parents,... going swimming,... party, etc. ... :) :P but I really wanted to post some photos from the circus, from the seaside.
It reminded me of :
1. "De ce fierbe copilul in mamaliga" ( Aglaja Veteranyi - "Warum das Kind in der Polenta kocht" - )
2. "Water for Elephants" ( )

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

raspberry flavored inspiration

In the weekend we went to swim with some friends, and after that we went to a park where we slid down on a 5-7 m high chute. We had a lot of fun. Saturday we were invited to a "pique-nique" , we stayed in the park the whole day, we even saw a dog competition :) After that we went jogging. Sunday I went to visit some friends in there new apartment, then took a walk in the park with my dear (and I made some raspberry juice that I was proud of)
While I was thinking/writing about the juice, I remembered that I have some craft paper that has raspberry color so.... I actually stopped writing and I made some cards. Here are some photos:

                             Have a delicious day!


Thursday, August 8, 2013

Today was one of those days (you know when nothing works, and it's like the whole Universe is unable to cooperate with you)... I tried to draw today but nothing good came out of it; now I'm actually making for the third time today pancakes, and those cute brown spots just refuse to appear.
SOS song: Rend Collective Experiment - Build Your Kingdom Here )

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Apele tac (Silent river)

This is a very good short film. I saw it a few years ago, then for a while I couldn't find it anywhere, it was deleted or banned or just simply you couldn't have access to it, but now I see that it was uploaded again. So here it is :

Monday, August 5, 2013

Summing up the last (enchanted) week

Last week we had the chance to listen to Sting live ( here are a few moments from the concert: ). I would like to thank again for this gift, I had lots of  fun ( I even enjoyed the pouring rain after the concert).
This was yesterday :
I haven't seen such Monopoly until yesterday, and I was like WAOOOOW   :)  :P  :D & it came with two magical friends on a magic carpet ride.
And the bonus of the week was that I could talk to a dear friend of mine, with whom I had a lot of sketching up to do.
Hope you'll have a sparkling week! 

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

An Imaginary Report on an American Rock Festival

Képzelt riport egy amerikai popfesztiválról -  Déry Tibor

I heard about this book from my Dear... am..., he read it, and his comments about it, made me curious, and so I read it to. It's not my favorite book, but it does have sensitive moments (you know that kind of sensitive, when something strikes into you deep, because it's painfully true -  I had one or two moments like that while I was reading it). The really interesting thing about this book is actually the style in which the writer chose to tell the story - you have a movie feeling; it's like a camera rolling combined with a comic book bubble:
I'm trying to write something like that, Andy said.
But I have no writing skills, said Andy with a sad tone, taking her hands off of the keyboard.
Still,  I will try to adapt a Dery style, so that I can make my point, said Andy finishing the sentence.
OK. I think that's enough :) :P Back to the story, so: moths passed and the book was long forgotten, and one of these days I wanted to listen to a song ("Arra szulettunk") and the second youtube video that appeared had "Kepzelt riport" on it, with an interesting cover photo -> that was when I realised that this was a song from a musical.
Anyway here's the play if you what to watch it (this is not the original/first representation!):
The musical made after this novel was the first Hungarian musical (1973)
.... I have so much sketching up to do....

Friday, July 5, 2013
